Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Do you like the smell of herbs, weed...

-Distinguished members of this Parliament. I, William Pitt the Young, want to denounce the abuses from our prince regent. This past month only, he spent £1000 on perfume...
 - Fiou Fiou Fiou
- ...£1000 on socks...
- Eurgh Eurgh Eurgh
-... and a disgraceful £40 on so-called herbs
- coooooooolllllllll

Not that much done yesterday evening on the painting front. I was more in the basing mood. So I definitely finished the Roman fort by adding some flocking, and then I also finally finished the Roman cavalry with the brown wash and the stone drybrush. Then a dab of grass, and tada! Here they, ready to be sent to their rightful owner in France. I now only have 24 foot and one horse to paint to finish this army.

Meme si je n'ai pas beaucoup peint hier, j'ai surtout fait de la finition,avec flocage de la terre sur le fort romain, et soclage de la cavalerie romaine. Voila. C'est fait, et le tout va partir d'ici peu rejoindre leur heureux proprietaire en France. Plus que 24 pietons et un cavalier et l'armee sera finie.


  1. Fantastic looking cavalry Seb

  2. Can't beat a bit of flocking; really finishes it off beautifully.

  3. Looking good Seb. Only 24 foot and 1 mounted to go? You should be able to knock them out pretty quickly, then heave a huge sigh of relief and crack on with your medieval bandits....errr....free company types and your 30YW Frenchies

    1. in theory yes. But truth is, I have quite a lot of things to paint first before coming back to the FC Ecorcheurs

  4. I like that - the turf effect really works here.

  5. Heureux propriétaire! Très chouette...

  6. @ Phil et Spock: je lui ai envoye le lien, et il en est content. En plus son colis est parti ce matin ;)

  7. Great looking figures, keep it up!!

  8. Very nice, always a pleasure to get them based, I am at the start stage of what I am working on right now


  9. Nice looking figs, and the fort is excellent!

  10. thanks guys. The minis are now on their way to their owner.
