Thursday, 10 May 2012

Of walls and sand

-Rotten wood, bloody sand, dangerous mud. Oh yes George, this is definitely my idea of a nice holidays in France... At least here we're warm and cosy.
-Well sir, apparently, wargamers seem to enjoy this

Wednesday is children's day. Yup. I've been quite busy caring my sweet little general, so I couldn't do much. But I still managed to paint the base colours on the Roman fortifications, and then glue some sand on the many bases I have to finish. I've also washed and cleaned 1 point of SAGA troups, aka 8 bondis for my Viking warband. Tomorrow, I'll be at the club umpiring a demo of Art de la guerre, with three new people who can be interested. Cheers.

Pas vraiment eu le temps de peindre aujourd'hui. J'ai quand meme reussi a mettre les bases sur les fortifications, et coller le sable sur les plaquettes terminees. J'ai egalement pu nettoyer 1 point SAGA de warband, a savoir 8 bondis. Demain, demo d'Art de la guerre prevue au club.


  1. Any progress is good progress Seb.

  2. Sympa ton camp, je n'ai que sorti les figs pour Saga, je peindrai demain soir et dimanche mais pas avant.


  3. J'le sens bien ce fort, j'le sens bien! Il vient d'où?

  4. Thanks.

    @ Phil: ce sont des modules Baueda. Globalement, c'est du tout bon
