Friday, 4 May 2012

There! You look a bit more human now

I was at the club yesterday evening, mainly for watching a game between Tim's Chinese and Alan's Successor army for the second round of the Ancients competition. Yes I was spying, gathering some intel, but it's always interesting to see other people playing your army.  I now have some more ideas to play my Warring States. Thanks Tim. So, As you would expect, I didn't do much painting. There you're wrong. I had enough time during the day to ink/wash my unit, and start the highlights.

It should be over quite soon I think.

Meanwhile, I now know my opponents for the second round of the Ancients Comp:
- Chris and his Neo-Assyrians: lots of heavy chariots and good shooty cavalry. Argh
- Andy and his later Seleucid: pikes, cataphracts, and lots of nasty stuff. Don't know what to expect from him
- Dave and his Mid-Republican Romans.... Arrrrrrggggghhhhh. Lots of killing machines. I'll have to avoid the legions as long as possible to hope for a win.

Etant au club hier soir, je n'ai pas forcement fait beaucoup de peinture. J'y etais surtout pour observer comment une armee chinoise peut se debrouiller face a une armee de piques. J'ai maintenant deux-trois idees. Durant la journee, j'ai pu passer les encres et les lavis sur mon unites d'archers, et j'ai egalement commence les eclaircissements.


  1. Seb , I like the look of your men in tights, they are coming along very nicely. Who won last night ?

    1. Tim just ate Allan for dinner... And the pike were then used for BBQ

  2. Good idea going out on a spying mission!! You don't sound too confident having to fight the 3 other armies??

    1. well, I'm a bit worried: these are three powerful armies, and the player are actually good (I'm a newbie in FOG, remember?)

  3. Nothing wrong with a bit of spying, happened all the time!

    1. Did I say spy? no, in fact I was there just enjoying the moment with my notebook, writing things down frenetically

  4. Intelligence gathering is very important for any general. Your Warring States army should do well against Andy's Seleucids and probably Dave's Romans. No idea how it will stack up against Chris' Neo-Assyrians

    The archers are looking good, now all hum together "dum-ti-dum ti-dum-ti-dum, dum-ti-dum ti-daa-daa"

  5. Nice evolution of your troops, Sir.

  6. They are coming along nicely.

    As the others have said - nothing wrong with checking out the opponents before facing them for real!
