Wednesday, 19 February 2014

For sale! A new page

Still on holidays with my parents. I've finished painting my British unit for the BfC project, and I'll send the pictures to Curt in a moment. Meanwhile, I've been rumaging through stuff I had accumulated since I started wargaming in 2001.
It really is amazing the amount of lead you can accumulate. And yes the lead moutain is a reality for me. I discovered that I wouldn't be able to paint everything, especially when you interest in some eras/scales... you know what I mean. Therefore, I've created a dedicated page where I will list all the stuff I don't want anymore. Most of the time, it will be unpainted, but I know somme painted miis will appear. Should you be interested, just contact me and make me an offer.  And yes, the categories will all be full of goodies.

Go over there:

Just for fun: this appeared when I googled "throwing stuff away". WtF!?!

Salut à tous. Mes vacances se déroulent bien et je viens de terminer mes Anglais Canada pour le projet BfC. Si vous suivez le lien ci-dessus vers une autre de mes pages, vous arriverez vers une nouvelle rubrique, dédiée à ce dont je me débarrasse. En effet, la montagne de plomb est devenue une réalité pour moi, et je sais que je peindrai pas tout, surtout si ça ne me tente plus. Alors autant vous en faire profiter. Faites-moi une offre et les goodies seront à vous. A+

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