Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Bases and a secret

Quite windy today here in London... oh and rainy too. So, stuck at home with the missi, I tried to paint a little. I managed to put many bases on my hallberdiers ( skin, red, brown and blue). I'd say they should be done by the week-end. At the moment, I'm not disappointed by the Mirliton figures. They have one weakness: the weapons are separate and are a tad fragile in my opinion.

And now for the secret. Until now, only Ray knew about the way I was painting. Now you'll all know. The problem I have is I can't plug any lamp in the living-room near enough the table. So the only way for me to get enough light is... to use a head torch:

Comme il fait un temps de merde ici, et non ce n'est pas le temps habituel en Angleterre, je suis reste coince a la maison avec la puce. Bon, pas super facile de peindre, mais j'ai reussi a passer la plupart des bases sur mes hallebardiers Mirliton, qui sont vraiment reussis. Seul point faible: les armes separees et qui sont un poil fragiles a mon gout. Et en bonus, je vous devoile ma super technique pour peindre: je ne peux pas avoir de lampe pour peindre sur la table du salon ( trop loin des prises). Du coup, j'utilise une lampe frontale et j'avoue m'en sortir pas trop mal.


  1. I want to see a picture of you with it on!! he he!

    1. I second Ray's request - no proof unless there are pics! ;)

    2. oh my. I shouldn't have said that.

      Ok, then, I'll try

  2. Simple, effective plus you can go spelunking right after a round of painting!

    I need a ton of light to paint by but I might give this a go.

  3. I have noted the difference of your weather definition in English and French... ;-)

  4. you just want to be miner don't you?


  5. Dork factor aside, that is a really great idea! I suppose you just have to remember to take it off before dashing out to the corner store for groceries... 'Hey, who's the Cylon getting milk and bread?'
    - Curt
