Saturday, 21 April 2012

Thank you honey! My Salute

I arrived today at 3.30 pm at the ExCel, to attend to Salute, THE wargame convention... yup, the doors closed at 5pm, leaving me 1h 30 to savour it. To be honest, I was disappointed: too much SF and 28mm for my taste, and not enough 15mm sellers. The gaming tables looked rather good to me, but I didn't have time to enjoy them. In fact, once I had picked the pre ordered items, and shaked a few hands, mainly from French friends, but also Ray's, Fran's and Postie's, it was already time to go. So why should I say thank you honey? Well, my wife started a new hobby, which caused me to leave home that late ( remember, I have a mini me at home). So, thanks to her, I couldn't see the whole show, meaning my wallet was still full afterwards... Ok, tomorrow will be the main event, with lots of pics I'm sure. Ray and Fran told me we would be 6 bloggers gaming, including Tamsin. Yup, it will be our gaming conv ;)

salut tout le monde. je vais faire court car je poste depuis ma tablette et c'est un chouia ch... de blogguer. enfin bon. mon Salute a moi fut tres court, car ma femme a commence un nouveau hobby qui m' a coince a la maison. du coup, je ne fus present que pendant 1h30...tant mieux car j' ai je pense evite plein de depenses inutiles. un peu decu par les vendeurs avec assez peu de 15mm. surtout du SF et 28mm etbonnnn. Les demos avaient l'air pas mal mais la encore j' ai vraiment survole. ma vraie convention aura lieu demain aupres des Poqtie' s rejects, une journee de jeu. yay.


  1. Sorry I missed you today Seb, but we'll catch each other tomorrow down with the Rejects - I'll remember to bring your prize :)

  2. Nice to finally meet you and we'll see you tomorrow!!!!

    1. Yep. Brief, but very intense :)).
      See you tomorrow

  3. I agree about their not been enough 15mm vendors, a pleasure to briefly meet you at the show and see you today!

  4. Je pars une semaine en vacances, et en revenant je vois que tu as fait trois posts, et changé la présentation!!!
    C'est quoi, ce superbe dessin sous l'orage, il est vraiment magnifique!

    1. il s'agit d'une illustration de Fornovo d' Osprey, que j'ai scannee depuis mon exemplaire

    2. Ok, merci pour ta réponse...

  5. That just plain sucks, I think I got a better deal by just not going. With the lack of 15mm vendors I am feeling better by not going, huzzar for Triples

